The growing number of private healthcare facilities in South Africa is indicative to the success of private sector participation in the design, supply of equipment and systems, operation and maintenance of such facilities. The same level of success can also be achieved by public sector healthcare facilities by introducing private sector participation into the supply, operation and maintenance of government facilities, whilst the healthcare professionals take care of the clinical services offered at the facilites.
Fischer Consulting offers a complete range of products and services, ranging from the most basic equipment to the fully integrated paperless systems environment; from the design of facilities, administrative, operational and maintenance process and procedures to facilities management, inclusive of the following:
- Facilities Layout
- Medical Equipment
- Information Management and Technology
- Facilities Management
- Transaction fee based Investor Funding
Clients may choose any of the services or fully outsource the operation and maintenance of the facilities, any of the products or a comprehensive solution that incorporates the best of breed products in a fully integrated solution of equipment and technology to suite their individual needs.