Since the introduction of the Apple iPad in 2010, various manufacturers entered the tablet market with new models released at a very high frequency. Competing with the Apple iPad is the various Android versions of the tablet computer, with various manufacturers competing. The rate of development of tablet computers are phenomenal, with hardware and operating system updates at break neck speed.
Fischer Consulting decided to redesign many of its applications to operate on tablets (and their smaller smartphone siblings) and have developed numerous applications based around Android tablets. Most notably is Fischer Consulting’s design of REMCOM™, piloted in Namibia. The larger display real-estate of tablets make it an ideal form factor for applications that are form based, and ticket issuing for traffic fines are one of the applications developed for it. The ease of use and relatively low cost of these tablet computers makes is easy to place an electronic law enforcement tool in the hands of many.
Due to the nature of the software and the GSM and WiFi abilities of tablets, Fischer Consulting developed a wireless platform for tablet computers to access various datasources remotely. The electronic nature for queries and issuing also provides auditability of all transactions done on the tablets, making it a great tool to reduce fraud.
Typical law enforcement applications developed on the tablets include roadside/roadblock tools to query licence and infringement status of vehicles and drivers; the electronic compilations of accident reports, and the issuing of tickets or summons at the road side.