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Cross-border transport operators are required to apply for transportation permits to the issuing country where the operators are based. In South Africa, these cross-border transport permits are issued by the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA), an independent statutory authority created by the Department of Transport.

The Cross-Border Road Transport System (CBRTS) was developed for the C-BRTA. It includes the business processes required to administer applications and issue permits for the cross-border conveyance of goods and passengers. This system regulates road transport through diverse agreements with other Southern African Development Communities (SADC) countries.

An operator who wants to transport goods and passengers across the borders of the contracting countries applies at a competent contracting authority for a cross-border road transport permit. The agreement type, type of application, type of conveyance and duration of the permit determine the administrative process of the submitted application according to the regulatory governance of the country. Some types of applications will go through a hearing process where other carriers, representatives of the government of the country, authorities (for instance the town planners responsible for infrastructure) or representatives of the countries to which a carrier wants to transport goods or passengers can object to the approval of an application.

A permit is issued for a vehicle of an operator and can only be transferred through a replacement of vehicle application. Permits are issued for duration and can be renewed after expiry.

The CBRTS system provides for flexible configuration by the authority to specify extension periods, contact information, types, conditions, standard routes, route group definition

The CBRTS provides for the monitoring of monies received with daily cash up and banking procedures, financial management, automated advertisement and hearing processes, document control, regulation of routes, management- and financial reporting. The aim of the system is to provide current information to decision-makers and authorities of the contracting authority of the issuing country and other countries.

The CBRTS system has successfully been used by the C-BRTA in South Africa since 1998 and Namibia, with interest from other countries in Africa.


The Road Traffic Permit Management (RTPM) system aims to regulate the transporting of goods and passengers within the borders of a country. Permits or operating licenses are issued by the Provincial Boards. It includes the business processes required to administer applications and issue permits for the conveyance of goods and passengers within the borders of the country.

An operator who wants to transport goods and passengers applies at a competent contracting authority for a cross-border road transport permit. The type of application, type of conveyance and duration of the permit determine the administrative process of the submitted application according to the regulatory governance of the country. Some types of applications will go through a hearing process where other carriers, representatives of the government of the country, authorities (for instance the town planners responsible for infrastructure) or representatives of the countries to which a carrier wants to transport goods or passengers can object to the approval of an application.

A permit is issued for a vehicle of an operator and can only be transferred through a replacement of vehicle application.

The RTPM system was designed using the processes of the CBRTS system with the exception that with the RTPM domestic as well as cross-border permits can be issued. The configuration set-up in the RTPM was extended to provide even more flexibility to the user. The system design caters for the translation of system components labels, messaging, reporting into other languages.

The aim of the system is to provide current information to decision-makers and authorities of the contracting authority of the issuing country and other countries.

The RTPM system is used by the Roads Authority of Namibia to issue domestic permits.