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Projects in the agricultural and food stuff sectors are typically highly capital intensive and have long lifecycles. Thus projects require robust planning and design early in the project's lifecycle at a time when the ability to influence changes in design is high and the cost to make those changes is very low. By following this design and planning methodology, potential and substantial savings on project commissioning and operation can be realized.

Fischer Consulting’s staff is a multi-discipline team with expertise in the following services:

  • Throughput increase – more effective planning, process enhancements, asset availability and utilization optimisation, cycle time reduction, de-bottlenecking, improved operator practices, effective supervisory skills, improved maintenance practices and management systems, road and tire management, logistics, improved predictability and reliability
  • Management Consultancy & Project Optimization
  • Preliminary and Definitive Feasibility Studies
  • Conceptual Design Studies
  • Logistics & Warehousing Design
  • Front End Engineering Design
  • Project Management
  • Operations Management & Support
  • Risk Management
  • Project Finance and Due Diligence