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Governments can no longer consider the scope of their vehicle register within the limited context of the basic administrative processes dictated in the Road Traffic Legislation. The extent of vehicle crime and ingenuity with which such crimes are committed, as well as the magnitude of evasion of annual licence fee payment by vehicle owners, amount to millions of rand every year and require a broad vision for the vehicle registration and licensing solution.

Notwithstanding the diverse measures to be incorporated into the vehicle registration process to counter the criminal activities and offer the maximum protection to all vehicle owners and industry role players involved, the challenge remains to keep the processes simple but secure instead of creating an onerous burden for honest law abiding citizens.

Fischer Consulting offers a complete and configurable Vehicle Registration and Licensing System which comprises of the following processes:

  • Introduction of the Vehicle Record
  • Vehicle Registration by the Title Holder
  • Vehicle Licensing by the Owner
  • Variety of licence plate numbering options, including personalised numbers
  • Licence Renewal
  • Deregistration
  • Change of Title Holder and/or Owner
  • Change of vehicle particulars
  • Transaction block, for suspected criminal activity, traffic transgression or administrative neglect
  • Vehicle Roadworthiness
  • Special number plates and permits
  • Interfaces to other systems, eg for importation customs duty or insurance verification
  • Financial Administration, both in respect of over the counter payments or remote payments into a designated bank account
  • Management Information, including several reports and a dashboard
  • Traffic Related Entities, such as Vehicle Testing Stations and Examiners of Vehicles

Clients may choose to implement the entire system or a specific configurable aspect to suite their individual needs.